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Meet the experts

To help you guide the world of finance we selected these inspiring women who know what they are talking about. Experts from the fields of entrepreneurship, investing and public speaking.

Marian Spier

Marian Spier

Founder // FEM-START

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Bonnie Williams

Bonnie Williams

Presentation // Coach

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Nike Ayinla

Nike Ayinla

Founder // Orison Studio

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Diane Janknegt

Diane Janknegt

Founder // Wizenoze

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Veerle Klijn

Veerle Klijn

Expert // Euclid Network

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Eva de Mol

Eva de Mol

Investor // Capital T

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Tamar Neter

Tamar Neter

Founder // Robotwise

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Heleen Dura-Van Oord

Heleen Dura-Van Oord

Investor // Vivid Ventures

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Roos Aduagyei

Roos Aduagyei

Co-founder // Trickle

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Micky Chen

Micky Chen

Co-founder // Minite Works

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Janneke Niessen

Janneke Niessen

Investor // Capital T

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Christina Caljé

Christina Caljé

Founder // Investor

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Ali Najafbagy

Ali Najafbagy

Investor // 4Impact

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